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The Chem-Bio Informatics Society (CBI) Annual Meeting 2023

Tokyo, Japan
October 23–26, 2023

Join Genedata experts at the virtual Chem-Bio Informatics Society (CBI) Annual Meeting 2023.

Don't miss the opportunity to see how Genedata Screener® automates assay analysis, validates raw data and assay result quality, and consolidates assay information across the enterprise and external collaborators. By integrating and condensing complex experimental data, it powers project decisions and lays the foundation for more predictive, AI-driven, drug discovery and development.

If you would like to schedule a meeting in advance or receive more information on Genedata Screener, please contact screener(at)genedata.com.

Recommended Poster Presentation

[P09-07] A New Workflow Automating Data Analysis in Gene Expression Screens Across Assay Formats Produces Consistent Results at Scale and Efficiency
Marina Kawai, Scientific Account Manager, Genedata KK

Developing RNA-targeted drugs holds the promise for a dramatic increase in therapeutically addressable biological processes that are far beyond the reach of protein-targeted drugs, such as pre-mRNA splicing or modulation of gene expression by noncoding RNAs. Quantitative reverse transcription PCR (RT-qPCR) is a recent, scalable technique for small molecule screening, allowing determination of up- or down-regulation of gene expression induced by a molecule under test. Evotec has developed accelerated experimental and data analysis workflows that allow RT-qPCR assays to be run at the scale of HTS. In conjunction with the process automation, we present here a highly scalable and highly automated data analysis workflow. We show how it can be used for the rapid characterization of large sets of molecules by induced expression changes, identification of cytotoxic compounds, and in-vitro estimation of therapeutic windows from shifts in concentration-response curves. This workflow has been implemented in Genedata Screener. It enables Evotec to streamline data processing from such experiments by a seamless integration with standard HTS data analysis processes - starting from compound logistics to one-click reporting of final results, significantly contributing to shortened cycle time. We will discuss the advantages and scientific novelties of our system at the poster presentation.

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