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Biomolecular Imaging and Informatics 2024 - SBI2 11th Annual Conference

Boston, MA, USA
September 18–20, 2024

Join Genedata experts at the Biomolecular Imaging and Informatics 2024 in Boston, MA, USA.

Genedata Screener® automates assay analysis, validates raw data and assay result quality, and consolidates assay information across the enterprise and external collaborators. By integrating and condensing complex experimental data, it powers project decisions and lays the foundation for more predictive, AI-driven, drug discovery and development.

Don't miss the opportunity to see how Genedata Screener® for HCS. The world’s top pharma and contract research organizations rely on Screener for HCS for a streamlined high content analysis. Screener manages massive, multi-featured HCS data, and uncovers relevant features with powerful analysis methods. 

If you would like to schedule a meeting in advance or receive more information on Genedata Screener, please contact screener(at)genedata.com.

Recommended Poster Presentations

A Generalizable AI-based Segmentation for Morphological Single Cell- and Sub-cellular Profiling
Hanimann J., Siegismund D., Wieser M., Steigele S.
Genedata AG, Basel, Switzerland

Deep Neural Network Interpretability in High Content Imaging through Deep Feature Isolation Mixing
Siegismund D., Wieser M., Heyse S., Steigele S.
Genedata AG, Basel, Switzerland

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