Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation Identifies Pediatric Crohn’s Disease Biomarkers
Would you like to improve patient stratification during clinical trials or develop clinical tools to provide a personalized treatment approach to patients?
In this case study, we describe a collaborative project with the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation in which they leveraged Genedata Profiler’s Professional Services to identify prognostic biomarkers for pediatric Crohn’s Disease. The foundation could leverage the advanced capabilities of Genedata Profiler (including analytical approaches for machine learning) to generate actionable scientific insights from their vast amount of high-dimensional multi-omics patient data. The project outcomes demonstrated how Genedata Profiler accelerates the identification of signatures applicable as predictive biomarkers of future complications and treatment response.
Who should read it?
Biopharma companies, biotech professionals, and scientific institutions looking to leverage advanced data analytics to unlock opportunities for developing treatment and clinical tools that improve patient healthcare outcomes.