It’s Time to Think About Automating Data Processes the Way We Automate Wet Lab Processes - SLAS2023
In this tutorial we present how Genedata Screener is best positioned to provide the biopharmaceutical R&D labs with the digital backbone for automation workflows. This includes assay data and metadata flow directly from analytical instruments into a fully digital process, including automated data loading and analysis upon experiment completion, even in real-time, using the Genedata Screener software.
In biopharmaceutical R&D labs, multimodal high-throughput platforms equipped with liquid handlers, robotic systems, and state-of-the-art analytical instruments enable the screening of thousands of compounds in a matter of hours. However, when it comes to handling the resulting raw data, scientists often extract and transfer the raw data manually into spreadsheet applications and perform data analysis using multiple different analysis tools.With hardware automation in place, it’s high time to think about the digital backbone of your automation workflow and automation of data processing. Only by doing this can you achieve true end-to-end automation workflows.
The topics which we will cover in this tutorial include:
- the typical set up of automated labs regarding planning and acquisition of assay data,
- challenges in consolidation of instrument output with sample information,
- automation of data analysis from raw data to results,
- use of results in project decisions, and corporate knowledge management.
High throughput screening requires the testing of tens of thousands of compounds in concentration-response format.
Rachel Moore and Guy Williams show how, using an automated workflow in Genedata Screener, they analyzed and categorized curves to concisely condense multiple parameters into a single label. This enables consistent, unbiased analysis and aids the prioritization of compounds in drug discovery projects.
Jesse Mayer will present the Genedata Screener plugin for Green Button Go Scheduler, demonstrate the value it can add to your automated workflows, and show highlights of our Screener integration in action at Biosero’sAcceleration Lab.
Rachel Moore, Senior Research Scientist, AstraZeneca, UK
Guy Williams, Senior Research Scientist, AstraZeneca, UK
Jesse Mayer, Applications Consulting Manager, Biosero, USA
Sascha Fischer, Business Development Manager, Genedata, Switzerland