
ウェビナー動画:外来性感染性物質の検出のための次世代シーケンス(NGS)導入 - バイオセーフティー試験から品質管理まで

In this webinar, Aurora Signorazzi explained how Genedata Selector has enabled her team to use NGS for biosafety and quality testing. She used a case study to illustrate how they perform assays to verify the presence of bacteria and viruses that are difficult to detect with traditional assays. Aurora later emphasized that the strength of their workflow lies in the fact that NGS is approach agnostic and can identify the exact contamination present, unlike other in vitro assay systems.

This talk was given as part of our regular Open Forums on NGS-based QC for advancing drug development and manufacturing, hosted by Genedata Selector®

Who should watch? 

Biopharma and biotech professionals looking to advance analytical development, biosafety, and QC testing for CGT products by embracing digitalization and innovative enterprise data analysis systems. 


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