

PEGS Boston, Boston, MA, USA
April 8, 2019

Biopharmaceuticals and specifically monoclonal antibodies play an increasingly important role in the market for new medicines. The discovery and development of biopharmaceuticals is a complex and time-consuming exercise. MorphoSys is making this more efficient and robust by standardizing and automating the underlying processes in order to scale-up R&D operations. Here, we present the development and implementation of an innovative turn-key solution called YBase which supports biopharma R&D workflow and data management, developed in collaboration with Genedata.  We present the specific challenges encountered, including process complexity and new technology support. Examples cover processes from antibody library generation and screening to protein engineering, expression, purification, and analytics. YBase was built on the Genedata Biologics platform, utilizing a structured and agile development approach. The resulting YBase platform is a powerful resource that enables a very significant increase in the throughput of R&D projects, setting new standards for therapeutic antibody generation in the biopharma industry.


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