
ウェビナー動画:Merck社、バイオ医薬品プロセス特性解析におけるLC-MS Multi-Attribute Method(MAM)バリデーション

Multi-attribute method (MAM) approaches to characterizing and monitoring the production of biopharmaceuticals offer the ability to replace multiple analytical technologies with a single mass spectrometry (MS) analysis. Assessing multiple critical quality attributes (CQAs) at the molecular level delivers a comprehensive understanding of the end product; ultimately enabling a true quality-by-design approach to biotherapeutic development.

Key learning objectives

  • Learn how automating MAM can dramatically increase productivity in quality monitoring of biopharmaceuticals
  • Learn how biopharma scientists are validating multi-attribute method approaches
  • Learn how knowledge gained throughout a biopharmaceutical’s development can be leveraged to improve product quality


  • Cédric Mesmin, Ph.D., Mass Spectrometry Specialist/Innovation coordinator, Development-Microbial Unit, Merck Biodevelopment SAS, Martillac, France
  • Lucie Manache-Alberici, Pharm.D., Analytical Development Supervisor, Microbial Unit, Merck Biodevelopment SAS, Martillac, France
  • Jonathan Jones, Ph.D., Business Development—Expressionist, Genedata Ltd., Cambridge, UK


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