
Sanofi Global Analytical Symposium

Cambridge, MA, USA
June 11–12, 2024

Meet Genedata experts at the Sanofi Global Analytical Symposium.

Don't miss the opportunity to see how Genedata solutions efficiently support the whole biopharmaceutical R&D workflow, including screening and protein engineering, expression and purification, characterization and analysis of protein therapeutics, cell line design and development, bioprocess optimization, stratification of clinical trial subjects, and quality control of biologicals.

For more information about Genedata solutions or to set up a meeting, please contact info(at)genedata.com.

Recomended Oral Presentation

Work Smarter, Not Harder: Emerging Lessons on Data from Biopharma R&D
Jana Hersch, Ph.D., Head of Scientific Engagement, Genedata

Digital transformation drives change in biopharma companies of all sizes. With the increase in lab automation, growing data stores across all modalities including multispecifics, CGTs, and RNA therapeutics are being leveraged for AI/ML approaches. Biopharma and biotech companies need to connect and structure their data and analytics solutions into robust data streams for R&D projects. I’ll discuss how they do this to extract maximum value, reduce effort duplication, and implement AI/ML.


Recomended Poster Presentation

Accelerating Biopharmaceutical and Vaccine Research, Discovery, and Development with Genedata
Hersch J1, Ford R1, Clifford W2, Yee A3, Tartiere A4
1 Genedata Inc., Boston, MA, USA | 2Genedata Ltd., London, UK | 3Genedata AG, Basel, Switzerland | 4Genedata Inc., San Francisco, CA, USA