論文掲載:EU/FP7 HeCaToSプロジェクト、心毒性ならびに肝毒性化合物における反復投与毒性のマルチオミクスデータセット
Scientific Data
November 14, 2022
The project aimed to develop an in silico prediction system to contribute to drug safety assessment for humans. For this purpose, multi-omics data of repeated dose toxicity were obtained for 10 hepatotoxic and 10 cardiotoxic compounds. Most data were gained from in vitro experiments in which 3D microtissues (either hepatic or cardiac) were exposed to a therapeutic (physiologically relevant concentrations calculated through PBPK-modeling) or a toxic dosing profile (IC20 after 7 days). Exposures lasted for 14 days and samples were obtained at 7 time points (therapeutic doses: 2-8-24-72-168-240-336 h; toxic doses 0-2-8-24-72-168-240 h). Transcriptomics (RNA sequencing & microRNA sequencing), proteomics (LC-MS), epigenomics (MeDIP sequencing) and metabolomics (LC-MS & NMR) data were obtained from these samples. Furthermore, functional endpoints (ATP content, Caspase3/7 and O2 consumption) were measured in exposed microtissues. Additionally, multi-omics data from human biopsies from patients are available. This data is now being released to the scientific community through the BioStudies data repository (https://www.ebi.ac.uk/biostudies/). The data currently described was generated within the EU/FP7 HeCaToS project (Hepatic and Cardiac Toxicity Systems modeling). Raw RNA-seq data were processed using Genedata Profiler software during the Transcriptome analysis. In a classical bottom-up LC-MS proteomics workflow, pre-processing of raw data, peak detection and isotope clustering, identification and validation of peptides/proteins, preliminary statistics and data evaluation, export and reporting of processed data were performed using Genedata Expressionist.