

ELRIG Drug Discovery, Telford, UK
September 2, 2015

Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) is a powerful method for obtaining detailed molecular interaction parameters. Modern instrumentation with its increased throughput has enabled routine screening by SPR in hit-to-lead and lead characterization programs, moving SPR technology into the mainstream of drug discovery. However, the set-up of SPR data management and analysis typically still depends on the type of SPR instrument, and SPR results are manually transferred from the stand-alone instrument to the drug discovery workflow. To increase user efficiency, standardize analysis procedures, and fully integrate SPR data with the main drug discovery infrastructure, AstraZeneca and Genedata implemented Screener for SPR at AstraZeneca in 2014. Genedata Screener for SPR is a generic enterprise software solution for managing data from SPR experiments, which handles SPR-specific pre- and post-processing and integrates SPR instruments into a stringent analysis workflow. We have applied Screener for SPR in several hit-to-lead programs and realized major (>50%) time savings for SPR activities. This poster illustrates the analysis workflows applied in these projects, the main building blocks of Screener for SPR, and our experiences with integrating this module in our screening routines. 


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