
ポスター:Genedata Selectorで表現型・遺伝子型データへのアクセスを容易にし、植物育種を加速

January 12, 2022

International Plant & Animal Genome XXIX
January 8-12, 2022
San Diego, CA, USA

Better plant breeding decisions are made when both genotype and phenotype information are taken into account.  But getting access to the right data can be quite challenging without a robust software platform to manage the large and continuously growing datasets that are involved.  For example, data can be lost or inaccessible for an analysis when working across project teams or analyzing data across multiple breeding campaigns.  An enterprise software solution can provide significant benefits for standardizing data collection, streamlining processes, and facilitates greater collaboration with genotype and phenotype data.  The outcome is better decision making and accelerated progress toward plant breeding goals.

Genedata Selector® is an innovative platform that streamlines the overall research and development workflow of trait and breeding programs for crop improvement. The platform provides a centralized interface allowing scientists to easily access the “single-source-of-truth” for all genomic-related information of a given investigated strain. The platform also provides efficient sample tracking to ensure all metadata is retained and accessible for integrative omics-based analyses and interpretation. Here we provide an overview of recent development efforts within the platform to accelerate trait development in plant breeding.


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