Single-Cell RNA-seq for Cell Line Characterization and Heterogeneity Assessment
In this demonstration, Devon Ryan (Ph.D.), Head of Scientific Consulting at Genedata Selector®, presents a use case on automated processing, QC, and analysis of single-cell RNA-sequencing data from a CHO sample using our software solution. This is beneficial when observing differences in production cell line characteristics and can enable the identification of bioprocess-relevant subpopulations and the underlying changes causing differences in phenotypes. Devon demonstrates how one can efficiently assess cell homogeneity to ensure the maintenance of desired attributes. He shows the end-to-end workflow for raw data processing, performs data analysis, and visualizes the results using built-in tools in the software.
This talk was given as part of our regular Open Forums on biosafety and cell line development.
Who should watch?
Biopharma and biotech professionals looking to advance analytical development, cell line development, and QC by embracing digitalization and innovative enterprise data analysis systems.