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A Single, Integrated Software Platform for LC/MS-based Multi-Attribute Method (MAM) Approaches with Automated Review

ASMS 2024, Anaheim, CA, USA
June 2, 2024

The multi-attribute method (MAM) is a two-stage approach in which product quality attributes (PQAs) are first determined through peptide mapping and, subsequently, identified critical quality attributes (CQAs) are monitored. In addition to accurate identification and quantification of these known CQAs, a key requirement for any MAM implementation is a robust new peak detection (NPD) component. We present an innovative MS data analysis approach for MAM that uses a single software platform to cover the entire MAM workflow and provides integrated sequence import from a centralized data platform, as well as automated results review and enhanced NPD, to create a streamlined and scalable end-to-end MAM solution. 

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