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Applications | Genedata Selector

Embrace Innovation.
With NGS.

NGS-based biosafety. TLA-based clone selection.  CRISPR.  Adventitious agent detection. Genedata Selector® leverages the benefits of NGS with innovative applications for biopharma, agriscience, and industrial biotech. 

Genedata Selector Offers

A Single Source of Truth

Genedata Selector enables scientists to easily and rapidly access all data related to host and production organisms to perform efficient and accurate analysis. Newly generated information is stored in the software and shared with the project team when required.

Simplified Bioinformatics

Genedata Selector equips scientists to analyze the vast amounts of NGS data with automated workflows reducing the dependency on bioinformatics expertise. In addition, the software enhances collaboration in teams with shared views and interactive notification functions. 

Reduced Number of Assays

NGS-based adventitious agent detection replaces or complements time-consuming traditional methods. It reduces the number of assays required and the wait time from more than four weeks to only a few days. This results in accelerated and improved decision-making based on data-driven insights.

A Leading End-to-end Solution

Genedata Selector is the ideal end-to-end solution for a range of processes from sample registration, purification to sequencing. By standardizing data processing, analysis, and results sharing, development is made cost-efficient, fully traceable, and scalable. This digitalization leads to shortened development timelines, a high throughput, and increased company return-on-investment (ROI). 

Streamline Your NGS-Based Biosafety Workflows

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