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High-Throughput Screening

From primary screening to hit validation and lead development, Genedata Screener lets you scale research using biochemical, biophysical and cellular assays and beyond to several other important and cutting-edge screening modalities. This includes exciting new label-free technologies such as high throughput mass spectrometry.

Biochemical and Cellular Assays in Genedata Screener

Biochemical and Cellular Assays

Target-based biochemical screens are workhorses of modern high throughput screening. Genedata Screener core functionality readily handles biochemical assays, including those with absorbance, luminescence and fluorescence endpoints. Equally informative are assays that measure signaling in intact cells, and Genedata Screener easily handles FLIPR and reporter-based assays. Whether processing single-point or time-resolved readouts, Genedata Screener helps optimize your plate-based screens.

  • Automatically calculate and track key QC measures, such as Z’ factor.
  • Directly import data from a range of industry-standard plate-readers.
  • Easily view, overlay and fit, and perform automatic calculations on raw signal traces for time-resolved experiments.
High Throughput Mass Spectrometry Screening with Genedata Screener

High Throughput Mass Spectrometry (HT-MS)

Breakthroughs in sample throughput for mass spectrometry are enabling unprecedented screen sizes. As a label-free method, mass spectrometry promises to shrink assay development times and costs. It delivers rich, high-resolution outputs with readouts of previously difficult-to-detect enzymatic reactions, cellular metabolites, and more. Genedata Screener enables you to:

  • Easily analyze the latest HT-MS technologies, including Acoustic Ejection Mass Spectrometry (SCIEX’s Echo-MS ®) and pulsed MALDI-TOF (Bruker’s rapifleX PharmaPulse®).
  • Fully automate spectra analysis including peak detection, quantification, and lookup.
  • Perform rapid QC with plate-level visualizations and compound-level summaries.
High Throughput Electrophysiology in Genedata Screener

High Throughput Electrophysiology

Automated patch clamp and calcium oscillation assays enable high-resolution measurement of ion channels—important both as drug targets and for testing in toxicity studies—in their cellular context, at scale. While advances in high throughput electrophysiology instrumentation have led to a dramatic increase in throughput, they have also resulted in new analysis bottlenecks when it comes to analyzing electrophysiological data.

Genedata Screener for Ion Channel Screening addresses these bottlenecks. Supporting the latest electrophysiology instrumentation, Genedata Screener enables you to:

  • Automate sophisticated normalization, averaging and fitting of time-series data, from patch-clamp and calcium oscillation experiments across millions of compounds—reducing total data handling and analysis time by upwards of 95%.
  • Adjust time windows on the fly and have these changes automatically applied to downstream results, for consistent, high-quality analysis.
  • View electrophysiology traces from within plate-level visualizations and alongside key results, for rapid QC and assessment.

Learn how:

  1. Pfizer and Genentech use Genedata Screener to streamline and automate their high throughput patch clamp screens of up to a million compounds.
  2. Axxam used Genedata Screener to establish a robust data analysis workflow for highly scalable, routine application of calcium oscillation assays.

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