ウェビナー動画:Genedata SelectorによるGMP環境下における次世代シーケンス(NGS)アッセイの完全自動化
Genedata Selector®は、全てのワークフローとNGSデータを統合し、各種モダリティをサポートします。本動画では、サンプル登録、NGSデータ処理・分析、レポート作成とデータ管理の自動化、またNGSアッセイのGMP環境での運用への対応について紹介しています。
In this webinar, Ludwig Macko, Head of Development, Genedata Selector, demonstrates how Genedata Selector supports biopharma companies in their mission to bring safe treatments to patients as quickly as possible. He illustrates the power of the Genedata Selector platform to support different applications and modalities by integrating different workflows and different types of NGS data. In addition, Ludwig explains how the wizard-based Selector Playbooks enable automation of sample registration, NGS data processing and analysis, and report generation and data management. Ludwig concludes his webinar by showcasing the platform's built-in capabilities that enable it to operate in a validated environment, a must for any biopharma organization interested in moving their NGS assays into a GMP environment.
This talk was given as part of our regular Open Forum events on NGS-based QC for advancing drug development and manufacturing.
Who should watch?
Biopharma and biotech professionals looking to advance analytical development, biosafety, and QC testing for CGT products by embracing digitalization and innovative enterprise data analysis systems.