論文掲載:Nuvisan ICB社、ハイスループットFISHスクリーニングによるGSK3BならびにhnRNPを介してがん化lncRNA MALAT1を修飾する低分子化合物の同定
Non-Coding RNA
January 3, 2023
Traditionally, small molecule-based drug discovery has mainly focused on proteins as the drug target. Opening RNA as an additional target space for small molecules offers the possibility to therapeutically modulate disease-driving non-coding RNA targets as well as mRNA of otherwise undruggable protein targets. MALAT1 is a highly conserved long-noncoding RNA whose overexpression correlates with poor overall patient survival in some cancers. We report here a fluorescence in-situ hybridization-based high-content imaging screen to identify small molecules that modulate the oncogenic lncRNA MALAT1 in a cellular setting. From a library of FDA approved drugs and known bioactive molecules, we identified two compounds, including Niclosamide, an FDA-approved drug, that lead to a rapid decrease of MALAT1 nuclear levels with good potency. Mode-of-action studies suggest a novel cellular regulatory pathway that impacts MALAT1 lncRNA nuclear levels by GSK3B activation and the involvement of the RNA modulating family of heterogenous nuclear ribonucleoproteins (hnRNPs). This study is the basis for the identification of novel targets that lead to a reduction of the oncogenic lncRNA MALAT1 in a cancer setting.
Genedata Screener was used to analyze FISH based high-content screening assays.