ポスター掲載:Debiopharm社の医薬品開発プロセスにおける価値創造へ向けたGenedata Profilerプラットフォームの導入
March 7, 2024
Genedata Biopharma Partner Symposium 2024
As a part of its digitalization strategy, Debiopharm adopted Genedata Profiler with the long-term objective of using the platform as the primary data analysis solution for research and development.
This poster, presented at the Genedata Biopharma Partner Symposium 2024, showcases how Debiopharm harnesses the power of Genedata Profiler to maximize the value unlocked from data while benefiting from:
- speed and precision in data validation,
- harmonization of data analysis,
- increased depth of analysis, and
- the ability to run preclinical meta-analyses.