

PEGS, Lisbon, Portugal
4月 8, 2019

Large-scale epitope binning early in discovery workflows can benefit programs by ensuring candidate diversity and increasing likelihood of lead success. Novel Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) and Biolayer Interferometry (BLI) instrumentation have elevated binning throughput, allowing characterization of more antibodies early on. We present Genedata Screener for Biopharma, a bioassay analysis software, and its Epitope Binning Analysis workflow, developed in collaboration between Amgen and Genedata to support common biosensor-based binning assay formats. We show how this highly automated workflow directly generates high-quality binning information from raw data, from a classical sandwich assay done on an Octet HTX. Scientists can efficiently review and manually re-assign bins if needed. The software integrates with enterprise software infrastructure like the Genedata Biopharma Platform, enabling organization-wide sharing of results, scalability, and greater efficiency and productivity.


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