

ELRIG Drug Discovery, Manchester, UK
September 2, 2014

This poster shows the technological infrastructure and its application to HT-HCS at the Weizmann Wohl Institute for Drug Discovery. First, we illustrate the set-up of an academic small-molecule screening facility maintaining a diverse compound library of 100,000 molecules. The set-up comprises automated workstations and detection technologies for many biochemical and cell-based assays (fluorescence intensity, luminescence, TR-FRET, fluorescence polarization, automated microscopy for high-content screening) at a screening volume of 16,000 compounds per day.

This complex technological backbone also requires a streamlined yet flexible data analysis. We show, secondly, how Genedata Screener® rationalizes and standardizes the analysis workflow for all assays on a single platform. It unifies quality control and analysis at all stages of a screening campaign, from primary screen to validation and on to comprehensive hit and lead identification across assays using chemical and biological data.

Finally, this state-of-the-art pipeline enables the screening of innovative targets such as a lipid phosphatase, placing the Weizmann Institute at the forefront of Screening.


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