画像ベースのハイコンテントスクリーニングは、現在の創薬の主流となりつつあります。より生理学的なモデルとより情報量の多い画像データを用い、ターゲットに依存しないアプローチを取ることで、HCSは創薬の新たな道を切り拓く可能性がある一方で、膨大なマルチパラメーターデータの解釈という課題をもたらします。Genedata Screener®は、HCSデータ解析のためのEnd-to-Endソリューションとして、HCSデータの解釈やパイプライン全体へのHCSの適用を迅速かつ容易にします。

AI Automated Image Analysis
Done manually or with classical segmentation, extracting biological features from complex images is cumbersome and time-consuming. Using the AI-driven Imagence® workflow*, Screener automates raw image processing to maximize efficiency and assay robustness. Whether in assay development or production, scalably leverage Imagence for a range of assays. Tune the degree of automation to your needs: visually review training data, or go fully hands-off.
* integrations with other image analysis tools also available

Immediate High Content Results
The Screener solution for HCS takes you straight away from images to results. View original images and calculated results (e.g. IC50s) side-by-side, for single-point access to all data and instant confirmation of phenotypic changes. Using interactive visualizations, quickly spot interesting or suspicious results, and define and analyze cell populations. Perform complex multiparametric analysis, for deeper characterization of candidates.