第2回 日本抗体学会 学術大会
December 1–3, 2023
【P-47】A Single Data Workflow Leveraging Middle-Down Sequencing to Validate Intact Mass Analysis Characterization of Therapeutic Antibodies(ミドルダウンシーケンシングを活用して抗体医薬品のインタクトプロテイン解析を検証する統合データワークフロー)
Genedata Expressionist® Scientific Account Manager 博士(医学) 大橋 翼
2023年12月1日(金) | 16:50 - 17:40
A faster and less complex alternative to characterizing antibodies by peptide mapping is middle-down intact mass analysis, which utilizes novel enzymes that cleave antibodies at a highly specific site above or below the hinge, resulting in well-defined fragments that are amenable to characterization by LC-MS/MS.
We present a fully automated data processing workflow that enables fast and efficient middle-down protein sequencing and simultaneous intact mass analysis of protein biotherapeutics. The sequencing results can be used to validate the intact mass analysis and confirm the presence of post-translationally modified and clipped species. After enzymatic digestion with IdeS protease, subunit samples were separated by LC-MS/MS analysis. MS data was processed and analyzed using Genedata Expressionist software (Genedata AG, Basel).
In summary, we have developed a dedicated, automated MS data processing workflow for simultaneous middle-down sequencing and identification of modified and clipped biopharmaceutical subunit fragments.
【P-107】Improving Efficiency in Discovery and Development of Bispecifics and ADCs(二重特異性抗体ならびに抗体薬物複合体の創出・開発の効率化)
Genedata Biologics®/Bioprocess® Scientific Account Manager 博士(医科学) 山中 メリパテ
2023年12月2日(土) | 17:30 - 18:20
Research and development (R&D) workflows for large-molecule therapeutics require comprehensive documentation of protocols, process parameters, as well as experimental entities including vectors, cell lines, expression and purification batches, and samples. We present a new registration platform, developed together with major biopharma, which enables registration and tracking of biologics and the workflows used in their discovery and development. The platform can handle complex pools and mixtures, as well as diverse modalities including therapeutic proteins, viruses, mRNAs, and vaccines. Here, we present concrete registration applications for highly engineered molecules such as bispecific antibodies and antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs). Designed to interface and integrate with existing IT infrastructures, the platform can be configured to support corporate-specific variants of registration business logic such as proprietary molecule formats, uniqueness checks, or tailor-made naming conventions.
In Summary, the platform allows sharing of molecule and sample ID spaces across both large- and small-molecule applications, substantially increasing digitalization efficiency and quality along the full R&D process.