

Industrial Biotechnology
April 3, 2013

Worldwide escalating energy consumption, competition for food supplies, and increasing fossil fuel prices are driving research in sustaibable energy resources. Biofuel producers rely on a variety of organisms, including microbes, fungi, algea, and plants to produce biomass or biocatalysts for synthesis of biobased chemicals. To improve the characterization and optimization of feedstock organims and produciton processes, next-generation sequencing (NGS) and other omics-based technologies are being applied. These technologies, however, generate large amounts of complex data. The storage, management, and analysis of such data presents bioinformatics challenges, that must be adressed for a variety of reasons, including efficient intellectural property (IP) protection of proprietary crops or microbes. This articel outlines the specific challenges of comprehensive genome data management and how they can be overcome with a unique software platform.