Evotec社は、Genedata Screener®でデータの取り込みと解析を自動化し、ハイスループットアッセイのクオリティーをリアルタイムに監視しています。これによって、エラー発生からの対処におけるタイムラグを削減し、人の介入を最小限に抑えた品質管理ワークフローを確立しました。
This application note details how drug discovery and development partnership company Evotec was able eliminate time lags and establish a quality control workflow with minimal human intervention. Using the Genedata Screener® module for real-time analysis, they were able to automate data loading and analysis, monitor assay performance in real time, and receive immediate notification in case of issues—hence saving time and costs and giving their team more flexibility.