
NGS-Based Quality and Safety Control for Cell and Gene Therapy Products

Bioprocessing Summit 2023, Boston, MA, USA
August 14, 2023

An increasing number of cell and gene therapies (CGT) are being developed to treat patients with genetic disorders. For these treatments, speed and safety are critical for success. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) offers a wide range of applications that address the limitations faced when using current approaches in development and product characterization. However, the right digital solution is required to efficiently convert NGS data into insights that inform decisions throughout the process.

Genedata Selector® is the end-to-end enterprise software solution and single point of access that streamlines Advanced Therapy Medical Product (ATMP) development and manufacturing processes with NGS-based assays. Selector enables automation and standardization of NGS-based cell and gene therapy assays to bring life-changing treatments to production faster.


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