

This application note describes how Novartis successfully identified novel drug candidates for challenging protein targets by pioneering high-throughput SPR screening. To accomplish this, screens were performed on a Sierra SPR®-32 instrument and data analyzed using Genedata Screener®. This made it possible to:

  • Scale up biophysical screening and employ a multiplexed assay design for initial hit-finding campaigns. This endeavor allowed for primary screening against mutant forms of the protein target, resulting in the discovery of novel chemical scaffolds.
  • Rapidly process complete campaigns by automating sensorgram processing and calculations, while giving scientists full control over result review and ability to adapt the analysis to their workflows.
  • Unify data analysis into a single software platform, increasing efficiency and data traceability.

† The Sierra SPR®-32 has already been discontinued and replaced by Bruker´s Sierra SPR®-32 Pro. The Sierra SPR®-32 Pro offers the same automation capabilities at an even higher throughput level.


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